What’s Happening!! is an American television sitcom that aired on ABC from August 5, 1976 to April 28, 1979. The show premiered as a summer series. With good ratings and…
Flight attendant Cassandra Bowden wakes in her hotel room hungover from the night before in Dubai with a dead body lying next to her. Afraid to call the police, she…
Melbourne 1996. The Golden Age of Australian swimming is beginning and a scholarship to an exclusive boys school brings 16-year-old Danny Kelly one step closer to his ultimate goal –…
Hospitality mogul Tilman Fertitta scouts the country for the most innovative new products that America’s entrepreneurs have to offer, and decides whether or not to make a transformative purchase order.
Revealing the truth behind the controversial deaths of some of the most famous celebrities. Crucial medical evidence gained from the actual autopsies explains what killed the stars and reveals how…