The Snorks is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera which ran on NBC from September 15, 1984, to May 13, 1989. Although not as popular as the animated series…
An emotional journey that follows a brain scientist who is obsessive about figuring out new technologies to access the consciousness and memories of the brain. His life goes sideways when…
Kagami Junichirou was known as a physics genius when he was a teenager, and he was even published in “Nature.” However, after college, he suddenly lost all interest in science….
A group of up-and-coming hustlers stumble upon a truckload of stolen gold bullion and are suddenly thrust into the high-stakes world of organized crime.
Ida Waage is a dynamic woman, working as the CFO at a prestigious law firm. One day, she spots a suspicious invoice and soon traces it back to a money…
In the wake of the disappearance of Anthony Sullivan on his 10th birthday, the fractured family bands together to solve the mystery that has uprooted their lives.