Death and Nightingales
On the losing side of a global war, Earth’s last free society recruits a diverse team of young pilots to control the next-generation of mecha—giant, weaponized robot bodies. These daring…
Kings of Atlantis
The Big Audition
Kevin Hart Presents: The Next Level
Kevin Hart takes time out of his busy schedule to introduce the world to some of his favorite up-and-coming comedians, including James Davis, Mario Tory and William “Spank” Horton. Now’s…
The Game
When her boyfriend Derwin Davis is chosen as the new third-string wide receiver for the San Diego Sabers, Melanie Barnett decides to attend a local college so she can be…
Dr. Lisa to the Rescue
Queen of Versailles Reigns Again
After a stock market plummet nearly killed Jackie’s dream home, she and her family are ready to return to their famous 90,000 square-foot home.