A Christmas Melody
“A Christmas Melody” revolves around Kristin, a beautiful, stylish divorcee who is a talented clothing designer and her young daughter. Kristin has just had to close her small Manhattan boutique to return to her Ohio home town and live in her parents’ former home. It’s an adjustment for Kristin and Emily – especially when she runs into her former high school rival Melissa.
Views: 73
Genre: Comedy, Music, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Mariah Carey
Actors: Brennan Elliott, Fina Strazza, Kathy Najimy, Kevin Chamberlin, Lacey Chabert, Mariah Carey, Maya Farhat, Raelle Wilson, Sasha Brooklyn Stolper, Sydney Lindsay Johnson, Torie Wiggins
Keywords:Eine Weihnachtsmelodie Karácsonyi dallam Mistletoe & Melody Uma Canção de Natal Une mélodie de Noël Рiздвяна мелодiя Рождественская мелодия