The story follows Issei Hyōdō, a dim-witted, lecherous second-year high school student who is killed by a girl on his first date ever. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, and…
Love is blooming at Sakuragaoka High School. Natsuki Enomoto has finally mustered the courage to confess to her childhood friend, Yuu Setoguchi. However, in the final moments of her confession,…
Sakurai Tomoki goes on a trip to a hot spring, and is soon up to his usual perverted antics. In addition, he’s about to receive his first love confession! However,…
Based on Vocaloid songs from “Kokuhaku Jikko Iinkai ~Renai Series~” by HoneyWorks, the movie is the second film based on the songs, following Tetsuya Yanagisawa’s previous anime, “I Want to…