Cheers Season 4 Episode 19
After trying (and failing) to hit on a pretty female customer, Sam feels like he is over the hill and challenges Woody to a racquetball game. Unfortunately Sam ends up hurting himself and has to take a trip to the hospital.
Head Rush
Wild Bill
We Need to Talk About Cosby
During his nearly 50 years in show business, Bill Cosby became one of the most recognizable Black celebrities in America. With a career that included an astronomical rise on television…
Hollywood Divas
Paradise Hotel
The Clinton Affair
Exploring broader topics including media, feminism, politics and power, the documentary unfolds and traces the twisted, intertwined series of events that led to the impeachment trial that set the nation…
The Proof Is Out There
Disney Presents Goofy in How to Stay at Home
Leave it to Goofy to find the fun in staying home!