Dragon Booster
Dragon Booster is a Canadian animated series first broadcast in 2004. It follows the story of young Artha Penn, a stable boy who rides Beaucephalis, the dragon of legend. He…
This story is about the flow of fate and the battle to keep the world on the right path. Aladdin is a boy who has set out to explore the…
The Selection: Special Operations Experiment
House of Horrors: Kidnapped
$#*! My Dad Says
Living with Funny
Posh Pawn
Stephen King’s Kingdom Hospital
The terrifying story of a hospital built on the exact site of the Gates Falls Mills, where a mysterious fire incinerated scores of children laboring in the basement in 1869.
Witches of East End
Based on Melissa de la Cruz’s best-selling novel, “Witches of East End” centers on the adventures of Joanna Beauchamp and her two adult daughters Freya and Ingrid — both of…
Queen of Versailles Reigns Again
After a stock market plummet nearly killed Jackie’s dream home, she and her family are ready to return to their famous 90,000 square-foot home.