In Beacon Heights, a seemingly perfect town, a group of three college friends struggle with the stress of being overachievers. In the aftermath of the town’s first murder, each Perfectionist…
Showcases the perspectives of children as they experience challenging issues facing families today including homelessness, parental incarceration, military caregiving, and climate displacement.
An environmental police officer uncovers a hidden world of mythological entities from Brazilian folklore when he finds a connection between the mysterious appearance of a dead river dolphin on a…
RITUAL. Everyone has one. The pregame prep. The meticulous steps. NFL players, coaches, fans. You. This is the story about two teams (and their fans) playing for Thursday Night Football…
State of the art science, thrilling suspense, unforgettable characters. These are the true stories of a new wild west, where biology, physics, chemistry, and technology are tools of the outlaw…
Tom and Suze, two nineteen-year-olds both dreaming of the future, have sex when nuclear war strikes. Unfortunately, they then survive. Awkward. Cockroaches is a post-apocalyptic comedy about one family trying…
Follow the the ups-and-downs of Angela Williams, the owner of a successful beauty salon, and her husband of 13 years, Marcus, a former professional football player who has recently partnered…
Based on actual events from Hurricane Katrina. When the floodwaters rose, power failed, and heat soared, exhausted caregivers at a New Orleans hospital were forced to make profound, heart-wrenching decisions.