Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil is an Emmy Nominated animated television series created by animator Sandro Corsaro, about a young boy named Clarence “Kick” Buttowski, who aspires to become the world’s…
Eun Sang-Chul (Lee Sung-Jae) and his four children encounter difficulties after the sudden death of his wife. Then, a suspicious housekeeper named Park Bok-Nyeo (Choi Ji-Woo) appears. Because of the…
Debra, Debra, and Debra are three very busy women who are all named Debra. They live in the affluent suburb of Lemoncurd and do lots of interesting activities, which keep…
Haunted Collector is an American television reality series which airs on the Syfy cable television channel. The first season premiered on June 1, 2011, and ended on July 6, 2011….
Swamps, bogs, marshes, bayous and riverbeds can be murky, dark, crazy places, but when a body pops up, things get downright mysterious. Through stylish recreations, Swamp Murders will bring the…