Shipping Wars is a reality TV series on A&E that began airing on January 10, 2012. The show follows six independent carriers who have discovered that fortunes can be made…
Girl Code is an American reality comedy television series on MTV that debuted on April 23, 2013. It is a spin-off series to Guy Code. The series features female actresses,…
Irish daredevil presenter Baz Ashmawy and his 71-year-old mother Nancy embark on the trip of a lifetime and attempt to complete every item on an extreme bucket list he has…
It is winter on the plains of Skåne coast. Farmer woken gets up and goes over to the neighboring farm. The sight that meets him is terrible. His neighbor John…
Would you trade your poor but loving family for a life of riches? When Seung Cheon gets his hands on a magical spoon that allows him to switch lives with…