Inspector Gadget
Inspector Gadget is an animated television series that revolves around the adventures of a clumsy, dim-witted cyborg detective named lnspector Gadget – a human being with various bionic gadgets built into his body. Gadget’s arch-nemesis is Dr. Claw, the leader of an evil organization, known as “M.A.D.”
This is the first syndicated cartoon show from DIC Entertainment. lt originally ran from 1983 to 1986 and remained in syndication into the late 1990s. It continues to air successfully in reruns around the world.
The series was produced by companies in France, Canada, the United States, Taiwan, and Japan. It was a co-production between DIC Entertainment in France and Nelvana in Canada; the animation work was outsourced to foreign studios such as Tokyo Movie Shinsha in Japan and Cuckoo’s Nest Studio in Taiwan. It was the first animated television series to be presented in stereo.
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Director: Andy Heyward, Bruno Bianchi, Jean Chalopin
Actors: Cree Summer, Dan Hennessey, Don Adams, Don Francks, Frank Welker, Gerard Delmas, Greg Duffell, Hadley Kay, Luc Durand, Maurice LaMarche, Patricia Darnot, Victor Désy
Studio: DiC Entertainment, Nelvana Limited