Pucca, also known currently as Disney’s Pucca is a Canadian/South Korean animated television series based on a series of shorts created by Vooz Character System. The series revolves around 11-year-old Pucca, a young girl who’s in love and obsessed with a 12-year-old ninja named Garu. It also airs currently on Champ Vision and MBC in Korea. Internationally, the series has aired on Disney XD in the United States, Europe, and other locales on the Disney XD channel.
The series, Pucca, itself began airing on television in 2006, with a set of 26 episodes. The second season of the show, consisting of 39 seven-minute long episodes, began airing in 2008 after it was ordered to be created by Jetix Europe. In total, including the previous online aired episodes of the show, this brought the number of created episodes to 117.
Views: 6
Genre: Action, Animation, Comedy, Family, Romance, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Craig McCracken, Rob Renzetti
Actors: Brian Dobson, Brian Drummond, Chantal Strand, Dale Wilson, Dave Ward, French Tickner, Kathleen Barr, Lee Tockar, Michael Dobson, Richard Newman, Tabitha St. Germain