Lizzie McGuire is an American live-action teen sitcom, which features an animated version of the title character performing soliloquy. The animated sequences were interspersed with the show’s live-action sequences. It…
Scarecrow and Mrs. King is an American television series that aired from October 3, 1983, to May 28, 1987 on CBS. The show stars Kate Jackson and Bruce Boxleitner as…
A mining partner in Alaska has invested in nearly 2,500 acres of rugged land, and they’re about to go belly up. Todd will try to turn around the operation. Will…
Best friends Jess and Josh never went to uni, never had a clear talent and never had the drive to grow up. When their mind-numbing jobs start wearing them down…
When Reykjavik crime detective Helgi Marvin Runarsson is called in to investigate a suicide case on Snaefellsnes Peninsula, the case turns out to be far from simple. Pulled into a…