This documentary series brings to life the legends, heartbreak and history created at iconic L.A. club The Comedy Store, which over the past 47 years has launched the careers of a breathtaking array of stars.
Greatest Party Story Ever…And Other Epic Tales showcases peoples’ most outrageous, hilarious, epic tales including everything from debauchery, drunkenness, to even celebrity encounters. The funniest, craziest, most unbelievable stories are…
Brand new lawyers work for both the defense and the prosecution as they handle the most high profile and high stakes cases in the country – all as their personal…
Twenty-four-year-old Kara Zor-El, who was taken in by the Danvers family when she was 13 after being sent away from Krypton, must learn to embrace her powers after previously hiding…
These are the most dangerous jobs on Earth. Many quit, some are fired, and others are injured…or worse. Featuring the world’s most dangerous jobs as rookies attempt to prove they…
Explore the art of music recording with a behind-the-scenes look at the birth of brand new sounds. Featuring more than 160 original interviews with some of the most celebrated recording…