Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil is an Emmy Nominated animated television series created by animator Sandro Corsaro, about a young boy named Clarence “Kick” Buttowski, who aspires to become the world’s…
Adored for her charisma and her free, explicit and fun way of expressing herself, La Veneno gained popularity thanks to her television appearances in the 90s. However, her life and…
The coming-of-age journey of five fairies attending Alfea, a magical boarding school in the Otherworld where they must learn to master their powers while navigating love, rivalries, and the monsters…
A television show comprised of contributions from the hitRECord community, a collaborative production company founded by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his brother “Burning Dan.”
Based on the popular BBC series running since 1979, the PBS Antiques Roadshow combines history with discovery. Each year, the show visits a handful of cities to appraise items brought…