Top Shot is an American reality television show that debuted on the History Channel on June 6, 2010. The show features 16 contestants, split into two teams of eight, competing…
In an attempt to regain her popularity, former idol star In Young goes on a TV Show where she clashes with her on-screen mother-in-law, Yang Choon Ja. However, the tension…
Combat! is an American television program that originally aired on ABC from 1962 until 1967. The show covered the grim lives of a squad of American soldiers fighting the Germans…
When the body of a foreign student is discovered in the streets of the down-at-heel city of Besźel, it’s just another day’s work for Inspector Tyador Borlú of the Extreme…
Moritaka Mashiro, a junior high school student, content to live out a relatively normal life as any other does, is persuaded by his classmate, Akito Takagi, to become an aspiring…
Children and teenagers become friends in a hospital where they are all patients. Together they try to escape the sad reality to create their own world with their own codes…
Cha Hyun-Soo is a high school student. He is also a recluse and rarely leaves his room. He refuses to talk to his father, mother and younger sister. One day,…