Set between “Tangled” and “Tangled Ever After,” this animated adventure/comedy series unfolds as Rapunzel acquaints herself with her parents, her kingdom and the people of Corona.
Eli Stone is an American legal comedy-drama TV series, named for its title character. The series follows Stone, a San Francisco lawyer who begins to have hallucinations, which leads him…
Much to his annoyance Romesh is left running the local pub after his mischievous father left it to him in his will. He has never wanted to be a landlord,…
Louisiana Law follows the men and women of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries as they patrol one of the most geographically diverse states in the U.S., with a…
Mugen is a ferocious, animalistic warrior with a fighting style inspired by break-dancing. Jin is a ronin samurai who wanders the countryside alone. They may not be friends, but their…
The stories of some of the most prolific murderers and serial killers to walk hospital grounds across the globe. Often referred to as the ‘angels of the ward’ experts examine…
Dollhouse is an American science fiction television series that revolves around a corporation running numerous underground establishments across the globe which program individuals referred to as “Actives” with temporary personalities…