Airwolf is an American television series that ran from 1984 until 1987. The program centers on a high-tech military helicopter, code named Airwolf, and its crew as they undertake various…
Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact…
A renegade team of World War II soldiers. This time, one of the 12 is a woman and, with a Nazi spy within their midst, they’re up against German wartime…
A CIA operative kills a terrorist during a prison break. When a group of terrorists attempts to recover a microchip implanted in the man’s body, one of them is captured…
Five years after the mad terrorist Norman Galagher was sentenced to holographic stasis, he is given a parole hearing. But an equipment failure engineered by his cronies transforms the criminal…
A group of unlikely travelling companions find themselves on the same stagecoach to Cheyenne. They include a drunken doctor, a bar girl who’s been thrown out of town, a professional…
A famous gunman decides to change his life around and turn himself in when amnesty is declared by the new governor of the New Mexico Territory, but a vindictive sheriff…