A British-Indian teenager struggles with his cultural heritage in modern-day London, falling for a white, 20-something actress/model during a 1970s-themed exhibition, and becoming obsessed with both her, the fashion and…
An ornithologist who commits suicide returns as fifth force to wreack vengeance on mankind for harming birds with mobile phone radiation. The only thing that is standing in his way…
Raftaar Singh is always looking to have fun and runs away from responsibility. Fed up, his father orders Raftaar to go to Goa and work, and learn to take on…
The movie begins as an old English woman Amy Wilkinson (Carole Trungmar) almost at her death bed in London, wants to come down to Chennai in search of a young…
A bodybuilder ends up falling madly in love with a supermodel, but some scheming villains maim him. Is he able to overcome his physical handicap and win back his love?
Satya is given a different face after he suffers burn-related injuries. After being released from the hospital, he deals with the murderer of his lover Deepti. But his new face…