The story revolves around a “surprise” kidnapping case. Liu Xiaojun (Dapeng), the owner of the car dealership, was involved in a kidnapping case for the accident of reselling a black…
From the director of Back to 1942, Feng Xiaogang, comes PERSONAL TAILOR, one of the most unique films you’ll see in this upcoming holiday season. Imagine a team that will…
Drifting aimlessly through life, Kaisi (Li Yi Feng) has racked up debts of several million having borrowed money from his friends. Lured with the promise of writing it all off,…
The Sequel to The Four, based on the best-selling novel by Woon Swee Oan. The four constables, Emotionless (Crystal Liu Yifei), Iron Hands (Collin Chou), Life Snatcher (Ronald Cheng) and…