The story revolves around a “surprise” kidnapping case. Liu Xiaojun (Dapeng), the owner of the car dealership, was involved in a kidnapping case for the accident of reselling a black…
Tang Monk brings three disciples on a journey to the West. On the outside, everything seems harmonious. However, tension is present beneath the surface, and their hearts and minds are…
The world is on the brink of catastrophe in a chaotic age where evil demons roam. In order to keep evil at bay, a mysterious organisation from the pugilist world…
Every city has its legends and this city’s legend is the ‘Ferryman’. It is said that a person who takes on this role can help eliminate pain and sorrow from…
Memeda,a “human detector” from outer space happens to meet a depressed man(Tang,Liguo)who just lost his daughter in a car accident. After many challenges and conflicts,Memeda and Liguo become good partners.
Beijing, the present day. Popular TV personality Da Peng (Da Peng) is invited by gangster businessman Wang Hai (Liang Chao) to make a film in which he will invest. Wang…
Li Xuelian, a woman from the countryside is falsely accused by her husband of having an affair. To defend herself, Li moves from her small town to the big city…