It revolves around Glory (Angel), a 52-year-old woman who falls in love with Niko (Tony), a guy 30 years her junior. They start a risqué May-December love affair, but will…
A farm girl mistakenly shoots and kills an endangered Philippine Eagle. When authorities begin a manhunt to track down the eagle’s killer, they stumble upon an even more horrific discovery.
A self-made farmer and rice mill owner who faces a rebellion by his two sons when he installs his young mistress as the new woman of the house immediately after…
Story about five people who wanted something so badly that they’ll do anything, even to deal with the devil. As they finally get what they want, no one has mentioned…
In 1947, those aspiring to be priest are sent to a remote convent to live in seclusion on the last day of their training. The purpose is to shield them…