Following a brutal series of murders taking place on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, Gotham City’s young vigilante known as the Batman sets out to pursue the mysterious serial killer alongside…
Rocket Power is an American animated television series that aired on Nickelodeon for three seasons. The show mainly revolves around 4 friends and their daily lives of playing extreme sports,…
The Fairly OddParents is an American animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. The series revolves around Timmy Turner, a 10-year old boy who is granted two fairy…
Five 2nd-grade kids who don’t follow strict rules by their school principal Brinway are dubbed “Stinkers” by him. On the class visit to an aquarium the Stinkers decide that a…
Race Across New Zealand was the first of three telefilms made for the Rocket Power cartoon series, first transmitted on Nickelodeon in the US on 16 Feb 2002, during the…