Lizzie McGuire is an American live-action teen sitcom, which features an animated version of the title character performing soliloquy. The animated sequences were interspersed with the show’s live-action sequences. It…
A robotic boy, the first programmed to love, David is adopted as a test case by a Cybertronics employee and his wife. Though he gradually becomes their child, a series…
A corrupt politician covers up his daughter Vicky’s pregnancy by forcing her to give the baby up for adoption. The newborn is adopted by a loving couple unable to have…
As a college senior, Sarah (Alix Kermes) suffers from a broken heart after her boyfriend cheats on her and leaves her. Across campus, Danny (Clayton Snyder) is mending a broken…
Though Eddie’s fired right at Christmastime, his boss sends him and his family on a South Pacific vacation, hoping Eddie won’t sue him after being bitten by a lab monkey….
After the death of a much despised patriarch, a mysterious box shows up during the reading of the will, forcing the family to reckon with each of their own deadly…
Four 22 year-olds on a Mexican road trip seem bound for disaster until they, and their trip, are unexpectedly redeemed by a series of miraculous events.