A “documentary film crew” captures history unfolding, as a disgraced, but kind-hearted fertility specialist, Dr. William Han, tries to restart his career, embarking on a breakthrough medical trial in which…
When an old friend of New York Sentinel Crosswords editor Tess Harper (Lacey Chabert) is found murdered on the very day the Sentinel’s crossword puzzle includes his proposal of marriage,…
A group of laid-off workers bribed into working one last night discover that processing the last of their “inventory” will lead to cataclysmic consequences.
Alyssa Milano, who also serves as producer, stars as Jane Claremont, who, as a young girl, would accompany her mother Vivian (Stockard Channing) to Tiffany’s in New York every Sunday…
As Christmas approaches, Amelia Hughes (Anderson), a career-focused Chicago app developer lacking in holiday spirit, returns to her small hometown of Christmas Creek to rediscover the meaning of Christmas. There,…