Blue Water High is an Australian television drama series, broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on ABC1 and on Austar/Foxtel Nickelodeon channel in Australia and on various channels in many…
An unlikely friendship between 2 young men becomes everything, when an Australian soldier takes refuge under the canopied jungles of Singapore, during the violent Japanese invasion in World War II….
From National Lampoon, the masters of raunchy comedy, comes a summer tale of beers, babes, and bros! In the surf town of Ventura, California, JD’s surf board is stolen by…
Sisters of War is a World War II memoir that re-creates events in New Britain during the Japanese invasion and occupation. It is a story about the Daughters of Our…
Pete & Jerry are cousins living in Sydney’s Western Suburbs, where life consists of drinking, getting stoned, getting in fights and hanging out. But things change forever when Pete and…
In this cunning mystery-horror hybrid, college student Ben inherits a curious old mechanical box that churns out voodoo dolls. When a shadowy figure starts using the box to murder Ben’s…