Inspired by the beloved DreamWorks Animation films, this series is the next chapter in the hair-raising adventures of the trolls. Now that Poppy knows there are other musical trolls scattered…
Raise Your Voice is a coming-of-age story centered around a small-town singer, brokenhearted by the death of her brother in a car crash, who had secretly submitted her for a…
The original American Pie characters have moved on, except for Sherman and Jim Levenstein’s still understanding dad. Steve Stifler’s little brother Matt wants to join his brother’s business (the hit…
As a college senior, Sarah (Alix Kermes) suffers from a broken heart after her boyfriend cheats on her and leaves her. Across campus, Danny (Clayton Snyder) is mending a broken…
Duffy the big man on campus who is marrying Adriana, a debutante heiress to a global wine fortune, right after they both graduate from the same prestigious University. Unfortunately ,…
A teenage girl, distraught from her vain attempt to connect with her estranged mother, resorts to cutting herself. When she develops an online relationship with an older woman, she learns…