The Cosby Show is an American television situation comedy starring Bill Cosby, which aired for eight seasons on NBC from September 20, 1984 until April 30, 1992. The show focuses…
After a brutal injustice occurs on a Native American reservation, a son must find redemption for the actions of his past. Road to Paloma is the beautiful journey of two…
A mythic motorcycle tale of father and son”, this is the story of Manuel Galloway, also known as “the King of Cali”, the president of a motorcycle club whose members…
Hotshot Washington lawyer, Robert Dean becomes a victim of high-tech identity theft when a hacker slips an incriminating video into his pocket. Soon, a rogue National Security agent sets out…
The down-and-out private detective Harry Angel is ordered, by a mysterious man named Louis Cyphre, to go on a mission to find a missing person. His routine failure soon leads…
When record store owner Rob Gordon gets dumped by his girlfriend, Laura, because he hasn’t changed since they met, he revisits his top five breakups of all time in an…