6teen is a Canadian animated sitcom, which premiered in Canada in 2004 on Teletoon. In the USA, 6teen first premiered on Nickelodeon on December 18, 2005 and was removed from…
Total Drama Island is a Canadian animated television series which premiered in Canada on Teletoon on July 8, 2007 and on June 5, 2008 in the U.S. on Cartoon Network….
Yin Yang Yo! is a Canadian-American animated television series created by Bob Boyle II and produced by Jetix Animation Concepts. It is the third Jetix-original show. It premiered on October…
Two adventurous women in love are desperate to have their own biological child. They take a chance on an experimental scientific process and make sperm from their own stem cells….
A seductively lethal vampire sect leader has been battling famed vampire hunter Van Helsing’s descendent for decades. But now she and her bloodthirsty followers face extinction unless they can find…