Tokunaga, a comedian who is down on his luck, has a shock encounter with Kamiya, an older comedian when he visits a fireworks event in Atami on a job. Tokunaga…
In a fancy split-level condo in Tokyo’s Roppongi nightlife district, four women and four men gather from midnight to 5 am. They’ve all paid to be there (men more than…
In the year 1868, three young men join the elite Shogitai division of the Shogunate. The Shogitai fights to the end and opposes the dismantling of the feudal military dictatorship…
In 2012, Atsuya (Ryosuke Yamada) and his 2 childhood friends do something bad and run into an old general store. They decide to stay there until the morning. Late into…
The story is set in the early 21st century with the population decimated by bio terror. Two kinds of humans now exist. One is the Nokusu who were infected with…
Erika Shinohara (Fumi Nikaido) is a first year of high school student. While talking to friends, she makes up a story about her “boyfriend.” In reality, Erika Shinohara doesn’t have…
Mie’s (Haru) father died during the aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. One day, she finds a bundle of unsent New Year’s cards, which languished there for 28…