High school student Kyosuke Shikijo is the most talented member of the school’s martial arts of the fist club. His late father was detective and Kyosuke share his father’s strong…
Hideo Suzuki is a 35-year-old mangaka assistant, whose life seem to be stuck around his exhausting but low-paying job, unfulfilled dreams, strange hallucinations and unsatisfying relationships. He sees himself as…
News about the disappearance of panties is still being covered every day. Kyosuke (Ryohei Suzuki) still wears Aiko Completo’s (Fumika Shimizu) panties to battle evil. Meanwhile, Aiko has mixed emotions…
A man and a woman committed double suicide in Kanazawa City. Immediately after the incident, Yoshiko Shiota, a woman living in Tokyo, contacts the local newspaper of Kanazawa, saying she…