The Mask aka The Mask: Animated Series is an American animated television series based on the film of the same name. The show ran for two seasons, from August 12,…
A game show where three players answer trivia questions in order to rack up spins on the show’s prize board. With each perilous spin all of a player’s winnings can…
The Transformers is the first animated television series in the Transformers franchise. The series depicts a war among giant robots that can transform into vehicles and other objects.
Gotham City is terrorized not only by recent escapees Joker and Penguin, but by the original creature of the night, Dracula! Can Batman stop the ruthless vampire before he turns…
A young mouse named Fievel and his family decide to migrate to America, a “land without cats,” at the turn of the 20th century. But somehow, Fievel ends up in…
A friendly troll with a magic green thumb grows one flower too many for the queen, whose laws require all trolls to be mean ugly and scare humans whenever possible….
A little boy whose dreams transcend reality is sucked into his own fantasy, which is everything he has dreamed of, until he unleashes an old secret that may not only…
Nothing in the world can make Garfield get involved in anything besides eating, until the muscular super cat Garzooka comes crashing into Cartoon World from the Comic Book universe with…
A bashful bachelor penguin named Hubie, who’s partial to a pretty female named Marina. Ancient penguin ritual dictates that males present a pebble to their intended, then mate for life….