Jane by Design is an American comedy-drama television series on ABC Family. The series followed the life of Jane Quimby, a teenager who had to be mistaken for an adult…
The story follows five disparate high school students – Olivia, Mo, Charlie, Stella, and Wen who meet in detention. They realize they are destined to rock, and ultimately form a…
Spencer turns to his best friend who’s planned an unorthodox “mantervention” filled with debauchery to convert him from hopeless romantic to forever player, and in the process they discover that…
When small town drifter Sammy Barlach drives into town on the search for his next cold beer and the bunch that’ll have him, he gets a lot more than he…
Set in the 1980s, an estranged family hires a cult deprogrammer to take back their teenage son from a murderous cult, but find themselves under siege when the cultists surround…