This thrilling, allegorical drama follows the intricately interwoven lives of three people, delving into concepts of good and evil, and complex emotions. Ragini re-locates to distant Lal Matti along with…
Surviving family members and friends of a man who was conned by the cunning businessman Sabbarwahl, string together a series of their own cons in an attempt to bring him…
A common man who transforms into a gangster revolts against the very system he once obediently followed by declaring war on the police, the government, and the industrialists.
Ram and Lakshman a.k.a Lucky are brothers. Ram is a sincere guy who grows up to become an honest cop. Lucky is a happy-go-lucky guy who enjoys life. Ram and…
After being accused of murder and awaiting his death penalty, Kishen Mohan Girhotra is compelled by NGO worker Gayatri Kashyap to form a musical band of prisoners to compete at…
Lucky (Eijaz Khan) loves ‘modern’ Kammo (Shradha Das) but ends up marrying the girl-next-door Lakshmi (Kulraj Randhawa). An accident leads him to believe that his wife is dead. Instead of…
Supermodel Sanjana and Rohan, son of one of the nation’s foremost business tycoons have been one of the most popular couples in the social circuit. When Sanjana decides against flying…