The Cleveland Show is an American adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Henry, and Richard Appel for the Fox Broadcasting Company as a spin-off of Family Guy. The…
An engaged Philadelphia policeman (Mekhi Phifer) falls in love with a beautiful woman (Beyoncé Knowles) while dealing with a corrupt superior (Mos Def).
A mid-western couple is transferred to Washington DC for work and meet the neighbors, a super-intense couple. As their friendships develop, confusion unfolds in this country mice meet city mice…
For the “Dough Boys” every day is a struggle to survive. Determined to make something of their lives, these four friends work any hustle no matter how risky. But when…
Celebrated ladies’ man, Tyree Jackson, thinks his only job is to sneak women in and out of his apartment while his live-in girlfriend, Desirae Baxter, is at work. Tired of…