A new challenger approaches with this Street Fighter II The Animated Series boxed set which contains both seasons of the television series! Discipline! Justice! Commitment! That’s the code that the…
Dragon Booster is a Canadian animated series first broadcast in 2004. It follows the story of young Artha Penn, a stable boy who rides Beaucephalis, the dragon of legend. He…
Pucca, also known currently as Disney’s Pucca is a Canadian/South Korean animated television series based on a series of shorts created by Vooz Character System. The series revolves around 11-year-old…
Beast Wars: Transformers, titled Beasties: Transformers in Canada, is a Canadian CG animated television series that debuted in 1996, serving as the flagship of the Transformers: Beast Wars franchise. The…
Inspector Gadget is back in an all-new animated movie. Gadget is still a klutz and Dr. Claw has a vicious new plan that makes him a super-hero in disguise to…
Patty and Eric Purtle visit their Grandfather for Christmas. After accidentally breaking a clock in his workshop, they then find themselves repeating Christmas Eve. together they must fix time and…