In this film former world champion bull rider, Tyler Hughes, struggles with his past as he takes on a court-mandated role of mentor to ten-year-old Indiana. The relationships Tulsa forms…
Seven years after the world’s most devastating tsunami in Thailand six strangers find themselves trapped in a beach side resort on the brink of an oncoming hurricane. Each of their…
Computer scientist Hannon Fuller has discovered something extremely important. He’s about to tell the discovery to his colleague, Douglas Hall, but knowing someone is after him, the old man leaves…
A woman falsely accused of murder realizes that the person she donated bone marrow to now has a match for her DNA… and is using this new identity to implicate…
Two young Gatlin residents are orphaned after the younger brother kills their father. The terror of Gatlin goes urban when the two boys are placed in the custody of two…
Robert Woodfield is a criminal defense attorney, and he has defended a lot of criminals, many of whom are guilty, but has maintained that everyone deserves a competent defense, which…