Set in Los Angeles, the loneliest city in the world it follows four characters who have lost their faith and are struggling with the gritty challenges of a life filled…
Dads is an American sitcom which premiered on September 17, 2013 and airs Tuesdays at 8:00/7:00c on Fox. The series was created by Alec Sulkin and Wellesley Wild, and follows…
As an asteroid nears Earth, a man finds himself alone after his wife leaves in a panic. He decides to take a road trip to reunite with his high school…
Decorated Vietnam hero Frank Vega returns home only to get shunned by society leaving him without a job or his high school sweetheart. It’s not until forty years later when…
Four characters lives are transformed when they come into contact with a supernatural wristwatch that reveals the light and darkness within and brings forth a higher level of consciousness.