This is the story of Tooru Kokonoe who has enrolled at Kouryou Academy, a school which trains students in wielding Blaze, soul powered weapons to prepare them for the Dorn…
Our naïve protagonist proposes to a female character in an online game, only to find out that the player is actually a guy. Traumatized by that, he decides to never…
A group of friends have customized their microwave so that it can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN who has been…
Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by Titans. Titans are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to…
Sakurai Tomoki goes on a trip to a hot spring, and is soon up to his usual perverted antics. In addition, he’s about to receive his first love confession! However,…