Takeshi’s Castle was a Japanese game show that aired between 1986 and 1990 on the Tokyo Broadcasting System. It featured the Japanese actor Takeshi Kitano as a count who owns…
Chris Hardwick will lead three celebrity contestants down the ultimate internet wormhole. Culling from the darkest recesses of social media, they will compete to determine who has the funniest take…
Drawn Together is an American adult animated sitcom, which ran on Comedy Central from October 27, 2004 to November 14, 2007. The series was created by Dave Jeser and Matt…
Set in the world of fashion and PR, immature fun-loving mother Edina Monsoon and her best friend Patsy drive Eddie’s sensible daughter, Saffron, up the wall with their constant drug…
Crazy true stories. Crazy funny comics. Long-form storytelling from stand-up comedians, musicians and more. These outrageous stories show why real life experiences always make the best material.