Moral Orel is an American stop-motion animated television show, which originally aired a sneak peek on Adult Swim on December 13, 2005, before it officially aired on January 23, 2006…
Robot Chicken is an American stop-motion claymation comedy television series created and executive produced by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich along with co-head writers Douglas Goldstein and Tom Root. The…
TripTank is Comedy Central’s newest animated experience, executive produced by ShadowMachine’s Alex Bulkley and Corey Campodonico. The weekly, eight-episode half-hour series, showcases a wide range of fast-paced, hard-hitting animated comedy…
Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the 90s – 20 years later. BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit TV show “Horsin’ Around,” but today he’s washed up,…